Dirty Rat Designs is open to working with customers to create custom works when possible. You're welcome to get in contact if you have an idea in mind and we can discuss it further. Keep in mind that Dirty Rat Designs is run by just one individual and therefore customs do require notice and may take up to six weeks to complete depending on the design and Dirty Rat Designs prior workload (or up to 2 weeks if it's an existing design we already offer for repeated prints). We cannot guarantee that all designs are within our capabilities but we are willing to discuss any and all ideas. The prices for customs depend on a variety of factors including: the item of clothing you're after, the design itself and the time the custom will take to complete, but all of this can be discussed and confirmed before the custom commences. We also do custom jewellery, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have a piece in mind. We look forward to hearing from you!

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